The Tseneh Store

The Journey

Nancy Slomowitz
Tseneh Founder and Designer

My first act – business – is what got me here. My first love, fashion – is what this second act in my life is all about. The Tseneh (pronounced 'tsee-nuh') story is about my journey to fulfill a lifelong dream and is documented in my book: Exposed – An Unexpected Journey from Fear to Freedom.

Several years ago, I received a wake-up call that made me realize I was not living a life of happiness and personal fulfillment. I had to face an uncomfortable truth – that in achieving financial success and the so-called American Dream, I had become spiritually bankrupt and uncomfortably numb.

I had spent decades building a very successful business career and reached the pinnacle of success as the founder/CEO of a multi-million dollar consulting firm. I wasn’t about to throw all of that away, so I started to introduce changes over time. My advice is don’t quit your day job - change doesn't happen overnight.

I began to explore my creative side, which had been dormant for decades. My hidden talents began to emerge as I started a variety of creative projects. I unleashed my passion for clothing and jewelry design – and my own brand Tseneh was born. I began to explore creative writing and published two books.

As my journey progressed, I realized that I had a message that I could share with others: don't wait to live your dreams. You can live a life of success and fulfillment. The products and services offered on this website celebrate your path to personal fulfillment. Follow my journey in my books, on this website, and on my FaceBook and LinkedIn pages.


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